2013년 8월 6일 화요일

[FunFun Market] jeonju moraenae market 2

Life of Freshness and Direct Transactions

The Jeonju Moraenae Market sells vegetables·fruit·meat·fish·dried fish·clothing and other miscellaneous items. Of the produce, the sale of farm-fresh Chinese cabbage and white radish is the most famous. The view at dawn at the Jeonju Moraenae Market is of merchants and their overflowing trucks of Chinese cabbage and white radish and a long line of retail dealers and customers who want to buy these products. Clean produce is harvested and delivered directly from nearby Soyang, Yongjin, and Jinan daily.
Eliminating the middleman, the fresh garden vegetables are sold at more affordable prices than competitive markets. There are also many customers who live in other areas that go out of their way to come to the Jeonju Moraenae Market because the quality of the vegetables is always good. Cows, pigs, chickens, and other livestock products raised in clean areas is another representative product of the Jeonju Moraenae Market.


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